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Types of Real Estate Attorneys

There are also many different types of Real Estate attorney's such as:
  • Residential
  • Commercial
  • Industrial
  • Agricultural
  • Landlord-Tenant
The attorney that is most appropriate and qualified for the sale of a home is the residential attorney. Just because an attorney is an expert in one of the disciplines does not mean he is an expert in all of the disciplines so do be sure to ask.

The attorney can be one of the most valuable people you hire for the transaction of purchasing a home particularly if any difficulties arise. If the seller has misrepresented the home and you and the seller have already signed a contract when the issue is discovered, the attorney will be able to drive for a resolution. The attorney may also handle escrow duties in some states.

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In the Press

A Moving Company's Moving Story
June, 2012

Relocation.com's survey was recently featured on the front page of USA Today. The headline entitled "Moving in Hard Times" highlighted our results that moving and relocating behaviors were only moderately influenced by the economy.


Our lifestyle survey found that Americans are seeking smaller homes and a suburban lifestyle. These riveting results were recently featured on USAToday.com in an article entitled "American dream shrinks as smaller homes gain favor."

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The Washington Post

"Relocation.com provides you with all the tools you need to get quotes quickly from movers in your area."


The Business Week
